Water, Water Everywhere

Well, actually, water isn’t really everywhere, is it? When I was growing up, there was always a bucket in the shower and one in the sink to collect extra water. My dad had big water barrels outside behind the garage to collect rain, too. He would water our beautifully landscaped yard all summer with that extra water.

Alas, I did not inherit my dad’s green thumb. Lucky for me, he comes over to plant pansies in my flower boxes and make sure that daffodils and tulips pop up in the spring! But then he gets after me to water them when we haven’t had rain for a while. Sigh. I’m not very good about that either!

But I just saw this tip – on the Ikea website, of all places! Apparently, plants even like starchy water. You know, like the kind you drain off from your pasta! So keep a bucket or sturdy watering can nearby when you drain your pasta next time. And after it cools, use it to water your beautiful blooms!

Here’s a link to Ikea’s website for more green and sustainable ideas: Ikea Sustainability Guide (No, I’m not getting compensation for mentioning this site.)

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